LGBTQ Therapy in Chicago: Comprehensive Support for Mental Health

A welcoming therapy space in Chicago, offering comprehensive mental health support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Introduction For members of the LGBTQ+ community, navigating mental health challenges can be uniquely complex due to the added stressors of societal stigma, discrimination, and identity-related struggles. At PS-ITS Counseling, we provide specialized LGBTQ therapy in Chicago to offer the support, care, and understanding that individuals in this community need to live fulfilling and authentic […]

Anxiety Decoded: Unveiling the Secrets to Emotional Freedom

Woman in White Shirt feeling anxiety

Anxiety can feel like a complex code that’s impossible to crack. It can lock us into patterns of worry, fear, and avoidance, limiting our emotional freedom. But what if we could decode this intricate system? This article aims to unveil the secrets of anxiety, providing you with the keys to unlock your emotional freedom. Decrypting […]

Anxiety Alchemy: Transforming Worry into Inner Peace


In the realm of mental health, anxiety often feels like an unwelcome intruder, disrupting our peace and hijacking our thoughts. But what if we could transform this worry into a source of inner calm? This article explores the art of anxiety alchemy – the process of turning the lead of worry into the gold of […]

Anger Management 101: Your Guide to Emotional Intelligence

Anger Management

In the complex landscape of human emotions, anger often stands out as one of the most challenging to navigate. Yet, mastering the art of anger management is a crucial component of emotional intelligence – a skill set that can dramatically improve your personal and professional life. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamentals […]

The Quiet Mind: A Roadmap to Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

In our fast-paced, high-stress world, finding mental quietude can seem like an impossible task. For those grappling with anxiety, the mind can feel like a turbulent sea of worries, fears, and what-ifs. This article provides a comprehensive roadmap to help you navigate from the stormy waters of anxiety to the calm shores of a quiet […]

Understanding Alcohol Use: Signs, Impacts, and Seeking Help

man wearing black crew-neck t-shirt drinking alcohol

Alcohol is a widely consumed substance that plays a significant role in many social settings. However, when alcohol use becomes excessive or problematic, it can lead to severe consequences for an individual’s physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore the various aspects of alcohol use, its potential impacts, […]

Addiction Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Recovery

Addiction Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Recovery

Introduction Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of individuals and their families. At PS-ITS Counseling, we understand the deep emotional, physical, and psychological toll that addiction takes. Our approach to addiction therapy is rooted in compassion, expertise, and a commitment to guiding each individual through their unique recovery journey. Whether you’re […]

Anxiety Therapy in Joliet: Your Path to Peaceful Living

Anxiety Therapy in Joliet

Welcome to Your Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery 🌟 In the quiet hours of the night, when the world sleeps, do you find yourself wide awake, your mind a carousel of worries and fears? Or perhaps you’ve experienced that surreal moment in a crowded room where, despite being surrounded by people, you feel utterly alone, […]

Sound Therapy for PTSD: Healing Through Vibrations


In recent years, sound therapy for PTSD has gained significant attention as an alternative treatment for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. This non-invasive approach leverages the therapeutic properties of sound to promote mental and emotional healing. In this article, we will explore the science behind sound therapy, its benefits, and how it can be […]

How to Deal with Anxiety in 2024

man in orange long sleeve shirt sitting on gray couch

Struggling with anxiety? Learn how to recognize and understand your anxiety symptoms, practice relaxation techniques, challenge negative thoughts, seek professional help, and take care of your physical health.